Gas Cookers Installation and More!
In recent times, the downturn in the economic climate has seen the consumer market shift considerably. We are surrounded by increasing deals such as: vouchers off services and products, three for the price of two and the classic buy one get one free deal. However, with regards to gas cookers installation, it is not advisable to treat the process like you would a shopping trip, looking for the cheapest deals.
Whilst it is understandable to be looking for the ‘best offer’ the cheapest deal is often not the safest one. With gas cookers installation the security of the installation should be the main priority-not the price as it could end up costing you your life, or destroying yours and your neighbour’s homes as it did in the recent Cheltenham gas explosion which a an elderly woman miraculously survived however she and 20 others in the vicinity had to be evacuated from their homes and based in temporary settlements. [1]
Hypothetically speaking an unlicensed cowboy engineer may charge you £30.00 for a gas cookers installation but there will be a world of difference between their service and that of a professional who has been credited by the Gas Safe committee. These certified engineers will be likely to charge you more; this is because the expense is added to cover the money funded for the Gas Safe training and certificate which is acknowledged nationwide and which every engineer is lawfully obliged to own.
I think if most people were given the choice they would opt for the latter engineer. As the old adage goes “some things in life are priceless” and I think we can all agree that life is one of them! So don’t put a price on yours and your family’s lives. When it comes to gas cookers installation investing in safety is in investing in Fitting a Cookers services. All of our engineers are affiliated with the Gas Safe organization and have a wealth of industry experience.