What does an electrical safety certificate involve?
When an engineer calls at a customer’s house to complete an electrical safety certificate there are a number of steps an engineer will need to take in order to complete this. First of all it will usually involve taking an in-depth look at the electrical equipment and seeing what kind of deterioration (if any) has occurred over the time since the last electrical safety certificate was completed. During the electrical periodic inspection, when faults are discovered, they are given a classification and code from 1 to 4. The engineer will then start the electrical testing and complete dead tests. The engineer will spend 70% of the time on inspection and 30% on testing. The live electrical tests will then be completed after the dead tests. The report will be then be completed off site. This is usually four pages but can be longer and after checked, will be handed to the owner of the property. There are many other different factors that can effect electrical installations these include how old the installation is, environmental factors and corrosion. This is why it is important to regularly renew your electrical safety certificate before any major faults can develop.
After the electrical safety certificate has been completed you will be pleased to know that it can last for anywhere between 3-5 years for residential properties. Although when the current installation is older than usual this can be reduced to 2 years.
Please enter your requests for this service into mylondontradesmen.co.uk and you will be given quotes to receive a contractor who will know how to professionally complete an electrical safety certificate. They will be able to finish the task correctly and properly. It is best to allow the professionals to do the job and My London Tradesmen always supply qualified and professional engineers.