Estate Agent Floor Plan
If you are an Estate Agent and have not been encouraging your customers to provide Floor Plans with their advertisements then you have been making a big mistake. Floor Plans have become a key element in getting property deals done quickly, regardless if they are sales or rental properties. If you are finding that hard to believe, just attach an estate Agent Floor Plan to a property you are finding difficult to attract viewings for, then sit back and watch the interest increase.
An Estate Agent Floor Plan Saves Time
One of the main benefits you get when an estate agent Floor Plan is attached to the properties advert is the sheer amount of time you can save yourself. How often do you arrange and attend bookings for properties without a Floor Plan? Out of those, how many people find the property to be too small, only have kerb appeal or don’t think it is quite what they are looking for? If you are fed up with these familiar lines then an estate agent Floor Plan will cut down on viewings from completely undecided clients.
Attract More Viewings
While it sounds like a contradiction to the last benefit, attracting more viewings couldn’t be a better argument in favour of a Floor Plan. When you place an estate agent Floor Plan with an online property advert, you are making it so much easier for clients and potential clients to discover far more about the property than photographs and written descriptions can provide. This means you will arrange fewer viewings from people with only vague ideas of what they are after and more from people who know what they want already. This means viewing times can be shorter, more direct questions are asked, and more people are seeing the details of the property for themselves.
Provide Professional and Attractive Advertising
As an individual who excels in a sales environment, you already know the value of creating an excellent first impression. Think of the Floor Plan as providing this for you clients’ properties. Estate Agent Floor Plans can be designed professionally in either 2D or 3D formats, can allow people to change colour schemes, add in their own furniture, allow for virtual tours and a whole host of other impressive features for online adverts. This shows effort and commitment on behalf of your client and really impresses potential purchasers or tenants. Image is everything.
Reach Global Audiences
One of the amazing features about online adverts is that they can be viewed by anyone, anywhere on the planet. This means that properties from areas such as St John’s Wood to those in poorer areas of London can be seen digitally. The potential this brings to property sales is immense as people outside of the city, county, or even country or continent can easily access information if they are looking to move to the UK. The Estate Agent Floor Plan proves its immense worth in this situation as it can, if detailed enough, replace the need for a viewing entirely. This dramatically increases the customer base for the properties you have listed and can vastly improve the speed and ease of reaching a deal.
Estate Agent Floor Plans are Accessible and Informative
If you have reached this section and are still not convinced Floor Plans are the way forward for the property industry, then think again. Floor Plans are documents which provide the most comprehensive details about a property in the most simple to read form imaginable. Floor Plans use the basic outline of a technical drawing, similar to the initial construction designs of the property, and fill in details which are missing from photographs. When you click on an advert online and are presented with a few photos, you can often be underwhelmed or get the wrong impression of the value and potential of the property. A Floor Plan can show these images in context while providing room dimensions, property layout, stairways, doors, restrooms, cupboards etc. This means fewer surprises down the road and a greater chance of attracting interest in the property as a result.
Properties need to be marketed attractively in order to achieve a quick sale. The best way to do this is to attach a floor plan to the properties you are currently trying to sell or let for your clients. If you do not have an estate agent floor plan and your client has not supplied you with a Floor Plan of their own, fill in our online form and My London Tradesmen will contact companies looking for the best quotes. We will then send up to 3 quotes allowing you to decide the best tradesmen to employ to create the Floor Plan.
All of the tradesmen we use have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary governing bodies. We only use reputable and trustworthy tradesmen for your Estate Agent Floor Plan.