The Facts about the Portable Appliance Test

Portable Appliance Tests have become a standard feature of a vast majority of Health and Safety Legislation. This is due to the fact that PAT Tests were designed specifically to cover all of the requirements which have been passed into law. As a result, there are a couple of prominent misconceptions about the PAT Test which have arisen and should be eradicated from people’s minds.

Perhaps the most repeated mistake that people make when talking about PAT Testing is that they have either misheard or misread that PAT Tests are a legal obligation. There is no piece of legislation currently enacted by the British Government which identifies any one portable electrical appliance test as a requirement. All that is actually specified is that any portable electrical appliance supplied for work or as part of a rental property must have regular safety testing to ensure that no one who uses them comes to harm. This is true of all rented accommodation and office or workplace environments because if an accident occurs due to old and untested equipment being used, the landlord or employer would be liable to be taken to court for breaching government legislation. While it is not mentioned in the legislation, the Portable Appliance Test is the most recommended test to have of electrical equipment.

The other most persistent myth about the PAT Test regards the frequency they should be carried out. Obviously, being only a preference and not a requirement, Portable Appliance Tests are not mandatory to have but, should you go down that route, it is recommended that you have a Portable Appliance Test every 18 months or so. There is no annual requirement for PAT Testing, especially for new equipment as they should be made to a very high safety standard. Older equipment or appliances stored in more hazardous environments might require testing more frequently in order to ensure the safety of all concerned, but there are no set rules regarding this.

If you take the health and safety of your tenants and employees seriously and have constructed a Health and Safety Plan for your work or rental property, you should strongly consider having Portable Appliance Test performed at least once every 18 months or so. In order to do this, simply fill out our online form and My London Tradesmen will contact up to 3 companies on your behalf. You will then receive up to 3 quotes, leaving you free to decide which tradesman to employ to carry out your Portable Appliance Test based on the quotes you have received.

All of the tradesmen we use have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary bodies. We only use reputable and trustworthy tradesmen.

PAT Test