EPCs: Have an Energy Efficient New Year

Now that 2013 has is underway and everyone is back from their holidays, it is time to reflect on improvements we can make in our lives. One of the best decisions you can make is to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) commissioned for your property so you can start 2013 by saving money.

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are not just for people who are selling or renting their property. If you have not moved for a while, or had some improvements made such as new insulation installed since you moved in, you may not know how you stand from an energy performance rating perspective. You could be spending more money than you need and an EPC will give you the information you need to reduce your energy bills.

EPCs most recognisable feature is the bar chart with the A to G rating system for energy efficiency. The closer to A your property scores then the more efficient your property is. It is also a standardised assessment which means that your properties score is influenced by similar buildings in your area. EPCs display a variety of different monetary values on the certificate to highlight the amount of money you are spending compared to the amount you could be saving. The current amount you spend on Hot Water, Heating and Lighting will be listed on the EPC while also showing the amount you could save if you make improvements to your properties energy systems.

Recommendations for improvements are a prominent element of EPCs. A variety of different areas could be listed in these suggestions and all of the recommendations are cost effective means of improving you properties energy performance rating. The cost of installation will be given as well as the amount of money you could be saving from each individual improvement. EPCs also let you know if any of the improvements it is suggesting you have falls under the new Green Deal Scheme. The Green Deal is designed to save you money in the long run by spreading your costs out over a number of years which you pay off in your energy bills. There is no up-front cost for any improvement eligible on the Green Deal.

If you would like to know how well your property is performing in terms of energy efficiency and would like to start 2013 by saving money; fill out our online form specifying an EPC. My London Tradesmen will then contact companies on your behalf and return with up to 3 quotes. You will then be left to decide which tradesman you would like to employ to complete your EPC based on the quotes you have provided you with.

All of our tradesmen have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary bodies. We only use reputable and trustworthy tradesmen.