Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances

If you currently reside in a rented property, how sure are you that the electrical appliances which have been provided for you meet current safety standards? Is there any evidence of Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances? Can you see a PAT Test sticker on the side of the appliance? If you are unsure what portable testing has been carried out in your rental property, you should investigate immediately as you could be putting your life, and the lives of anyone else who lives in the building, at risk.

Are you a Landlord? Have you owned a property for a long time and always supplied the same electrical appliances for every tenant you have had? If you have not had any Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances carried out on the electrical appliances in your property, you could be violating various pieces of Health and Safety legislation, while putting your current, and future, tenants at serious risk of electrocution or electrical fires.

Do you own business and commercial properties in and around the London area? Have you got a team working endlessly on PCs, with a variety of kitchen appliances and vending machines dotted about the building? Have you ever considered your responsibilities as an employer to keep up to date with relevant Health and Safety legislation for businesses pertaining to electrical safety? If you have not been having portable testing carried out on your electrical appliances, you are putting people’s health at risk and gambling that no one will taking legal action against you if an accident occurs.

Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances is the primary goal of the PAT Test. When you rent a residential or commercial property, let a residential property or employ people to work in your property, you must have all electrical appliances tested regularly for safety. PAT Testing is a cheap, painless and comprehensive check of the safety of all of the electrical appliances in your property. Portable testing has been designed to specifically cover all of the legislation surrounding electrical safety and is a necessity for anyone who wants to have solid Health and Safety plans in their property.

If you value people’s lives, begin the process of Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances today by filling in our form and asking for a PAT Test. My London Tradesmen will contact companies on your behalf and will return to you with up to 3 quotes. From these quotes you will be able to reach an informed decision regarding which tradesman you wish to employ to complete PAT Testing in your property or place of residence.

All of the tradesmen we provide quotes from have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary bodies. We only recommend reputable and trustworthy tradesmen for any job request we receive.

PAT Test