Value of Electrical PAT Testing
The Value of Electrical PAT Testing is considered high by many. If you are in the process of constructing Health and Safety plans for your business or residential let property, electrical PAT Testing ensures that you are compliant with a wide array of legislation regarding the safety of tenants and employees from faulty electrical appliances. This makes having regular electrical PAT Testing an absolute necessity given the scope of the legislation and the various rules and regulations they create and enforce.
Landlords and Employers have, broadly speaking, the same legislation to consider regarding Value of Electrical PAT Testing in their property. The relevant legislation includes such documents as; the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) the Landlords and Tenants Act (1985); the Electricity at Work Regulations (1989); the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations (1994); the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) et al. For more information regarding these, and other, important pieces of legislation pertaining to electrical safety requirements for Landlords and Employers, visit where you can obtain up to date copies and information about these bills. While none of the legislation specifically mentions electrical PAT Testing, it is without a doubt the most comprehensive assessment of your electrical appliances you can have performed.
When you commission electrical PAT Testing for your property, a fully trained and qualified PAT tester will arrive at your property to perform the assessment safely and securely. They will investigate each appliance you have requested electrical PAT Testing for that weighs less than 18kg. This includes TVs, microwaves, electric kettles, PCs etc. Each device will have external checks to make sure it is not damaged and has not been over-heating when used. The internal components will be checked on an electrical PAT Testing machine to check for consistent electricity flow, proper insulation, and lack of over-heating. The PAT tester will combine the results of these tests with a general assessment of the environment the appliances are used and stored in. If your appliance fails, it must be disconnected and replaced immediately because if it is unsafe it can pose as a health risk and the Value of Electrical PAT Testing can include saving lives in extreme circumstances
If you haven’t had electrical PAT Testing in several years, or have never had one before, fill out our online form and My London Tradesmen will start finding quotes for your job. You will be supplied with up to 3 quotes, allowing you to make an informed decision regarding which tradesman to employ so then you can see for yourself the real Value of Electrical PAT Testing
All of the tradesmen we provide quotes for have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary bodies. We only recommend trustworthy and reputable tradesmen.