Boilers Maintenance : The Essentials

Servicing your boiler or boilers maintenance is essential for everyone. Boilers are an essential part your everyday life and day to day activities of every home. Boilers maintenance is a requirement for all for various reasons:

• Boilers maintenance as a preventative measure:

When a boiler has not been properly maintained or ventilated it can produce carbon monoxide which is usually made from fossil fuels that have not burned properly. Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms include nausea, breathlessness, stomach pains and headaches. As you cannot see or smell carbon monoxide it is a silent killer. Booking an annual boiler servicing will prevent these dire consequences.

• Boilers maintenance to save money on expensive repairs:

If seemingly small and minor boiler issues are left or forgotten, it can lead to much more harrowing issues for you in the futures. If you have noticed problems such as weird noises from your fan, changing colour in the flame and fluctuating hot water temperature your boiler requires maintenance. If left, these issues can lead to bigger problems which can ultimately lead to the breakdown of your whole boiler and even central heating system. So having an annual boiler service or getting any issues checked by an engineer will prevent the future expensive hassling repairs and replacements.

• Boilers maintenance for warmer homes:

Common problems with the boiler such as a noisy fan could be part of a bigger issue with your central heating system. When the central heating is not working efficiently, alongside common boiler problems, you may find your radiator leaking or that it has cold spots and generally not providing good heating. This is often as a result of accumulated iron oxide and hydrogen sludge inside your heating system. Not only does this mean your home is not received good heating, it also leads to higher energy bills. Another part of boilers maintenance is getting a Power Flush performed on your central heating by a professional qualified engineer. The Power Flush will eliminate the built up sludge and bring the central heating to an optimal level of functioning. After a Power Flush, it is recommended to have a MagnaClean Filter installed to stop the sludge accumulating again.

So if you require any form of boiler maintenance get in contact with My London Tradesmen. We can guarantee experienced, qualified and Gas Safety certified engineers for your services. Fill in our online form below and we will provide you with three quotes for you to select from. Take advantage of our services for lower bills and a safer and warmer home.

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