How to power flush

Power flushes are when engineers clean your central heating system of loose sludge. Hard water is always running through your central heating system, therefore debris and other metallic particles are bound to build up over time and eventually need a service. Even the smallest build up or iron oxide or lime scale is known to pose a threat to your boiler and radiator – so here is a simple guide on how your system is power flushed if you are wondering ‘how to power flush’.

Power flushes are, in short: how your central heating system is cleaned. An engineer simply connects your system to a power flushing device, by removing a section of your pipe and screwing on some nozzles. Then, the power flushing device pumps your entire system full of chemicals which corrode the sludge in your radiator and boiler. (Remember: always turn your central heating off before you do a power flush).
All power flushing is done at low pressure. This is to prevent any damage to your central heating, as high pressure flushing could break pipes and appliances. When the engineer is satisfied all debris is cleared, another set of chemicals is pumped in to neutralise your water’s ph.

An average power flush can take between 4 and 8 hours, however some leading companies like magnaclean have recently released the “magnacleanse” which power flushes in only 2 hours. A power flush is the best choice for cleaning your central heating and My London Tradesman cannot agree more.

If your appliances are making strange noises or aren’t warming up when you want – then you may need to seek some assistance. Feel free to contact us at My London Tradesman. Just fill out our online application form and we will get back to you with quotes from the best offers.

Power Flush