Magnacleanse is the latest flushing system from magnaclean, the central heating filtering company, famous for their magnetic filters. Magnacleanse removes all irritating magnetic and nonmagnetic build ups in your central heating system.
A typical power flush on your entire system can take on average between 4 and 8 hours. With magnacleanse, the entire central heating system can be flushed out within 2 hours, leaving your water neutralised and saves using too much water when cleaning your appliances.
As with all power flushes, magnacleanse will prolong the lifespan of your central heating and keep your property warmer in the winter months. Are you the landlord of one or more properties and want your clients to have the best heating available? Then look no further, for magnacleanse will keep your system running in very little time and keep your bills at an affordable price for longer.
A magnacleanse power flush pumps chemicals around your central heating to corrode all built up sludge in your boiler and radiators. Once finished, the chemicals will neutralise your water and leave your radiators running smoother. With one magnacleanse power flush your system will use up less energy and your bills will be lower than usual.
Magnacleanse is distributed by Adey, the company who distribute magnaclean filters. With magnacleanse there is no running cost, just a simple up-front payment including VAT.
If you think you need to talk to an expert about the best choice of power flushes or want to know more about what magnacleanse has to offer, just visit the My London Tradesman website. Simply fill in our online application and we will find you quotes from the best people in the business. All you need to do is decide who can give you the best deal.