Loft Insulation
Up to 25% of your homes heat is lost through the roof making loft insulation one of the most important and simplest ways to reduce your heating bills. Heat flows from a warm area to a cold one and the colder it is outside the faster heat will escape.
As loft insulation is one of the quickest and cost effective ways to insulate your property the government have introduced a number of ways you can get Loft insulation for FREE. Those who do not qualify for a 100% grant will be eligible for at least a 50% contribution meaning the cost of the insulation can cost as little as £49.
All home owners, occupiers and private tenants are now eligible for a grant funding towards the cost of loft insulation and even cavity wall. There are two types of grants available from the government these are for both loft insulation and cavity wall insulation.
How do I know if I am eligible for the Loft Insulation grant?
For the 50-70% grant, any private tenant, home owner or occupiers are eligible these falling upon that you have an independent income.
For the 100% (FREE) grant you will be eligible if you receive one or more of the following;
- Attendance Allowance
- Child tax credit with an annual income of under £16,000
- Council tax credit this will need to include a disability premium
- Disability living allowance/ Disability pension
- Housing benefits and Income support
- Income based job seekers allowance
- State Pension Credit
- War Disablement Pension this must include a mobility supplement or Constant Attendance Allowance
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit this must also include a mobility supplement or Constant Attendance Allowance
- Working Family Tax Credit with an annual income of under £16,190
Once you have submitted your job via our online form, My London Tradesmen will contact companies on your behalf, you will receive up to 3 quotes leaving you to make an informed decision regarding the best tradesman to employ based on the quotes you have received.
All of the tradesmen we use have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary bodies. We only use reputable and trustworthy tradesmen.