Portable Appliance Test SW3 Chelsea

There is no question that SW3 Chelsea is a wealthy and desirable area of London to own a house or business in. Property or business owners in the area can make a great deal of money from commerce or rent, yet they may be running the risk of losing it all. Electrical safety regulations require

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EPCs: Have an Energy Efficient New Year

Now that 2013 has is underway and everyone is back from their holidays, it is time to reflect on improvements we can make in our lives. One of the best decisions you can make is to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) commissioned for your property so you can start 2013 by saving money. Energy

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Property Inventory E10 Leyton, East London

If you are moving properties and are in need of a property inventory in the area of E10 Leyton, East London and are looking for fully qualified and professional tradesmen in your area. It is important that you make sure the tradesmen that you use are professional and adhere to all health and safety regulations.

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Energy Performance certificates for first time buyers

Whenever a property is built, sold or rented an Energy Performance Certificates for first time buyers should be completed. Energy Performance Certificates are useful because they can provide useful information about how you can increase the energy efficiency of your home while reducing carbon dioxide from the property. For an EPC an assessor will visit

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Electrical safety certificate E5 Clapton, East London

For individuals living in E5 Clapton, East London if you are looking for electricians who are fully qualified and will show the utmost professionalism at all times and are ready to complete an electrical safety certificate for you, My London Tradesmen is the site to use. You should always make sure that your electrical safety

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2D Floor Plan SW2 Brixton

If you are a property owner in SW2 Brixton, there is possibly no document more valuable that you can own than a 2D Floor Plan. 2D Floor Plans are a multi-purpose tool which can help you sell your house, re-decorate your property or even help re-design the building. 2D Floor Plans have been created for

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