Magnetic filter for central heating system

We all know your central heating system is the most important thing for your property in the winter months. At My London Tradesman, we can recommend magnetic filters as the ideal solution to all problems you face with your central heating system. Magnetic filters are simple installations that take no time to install and don’t

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Radiator Drain

Bleeding a radiator is where you are checking whether the water in your central heating needs cleaning. A radiator drain is what you need to do when you know your central heating needs seeing to. This is also important if you are replacing an old radiator with something new. The purpose of a radiator drain

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Magnetic System filters

Magnetic system filters are the number one installation to keep your central heating clean and free from breakdowns. They are inexpensive to put in and have a very successful history of keeping properties warm during the cold winter months. Magnetic system filters are what My London Tradesman suggests you look into if you want to

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Magnetic filter for boiler

Is your boiler making funny noises? Are your radiators going cold when they should be warming up? Are your energy bills rocketing to a sky high level and you don’t know why? Then maybe what you need is a magnetic filter for boiler or central heating system. Boilers and radiators suffer breakdowns caused by rust

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How to power flush

Power flushes are when engineers clean your central heating system of loose sludge. Hard water is always running through your central heating system, therefore debris and other metallic particles are bound to build up over time and eventually need a service. Even the smallest build up or iron oxide or lime scale is known to

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Power flushing cost

Power flushing is recommended throughout the central heating industry as the best solution to central heating breakdowns. The power flushing cost for such treatment is just one of the reasons they are advised by so many. The price of a power flush can vary depending on the size, condition and how many radiator you have

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Magnaclean Professional

The magnaclean professional is the most reliable of filters on offer to help you with any central heating problems. Here at My London Tradesman, magnaclean professional filters are what we want everyone to have fitted to stop any build ups of debris and rust in your boilers and radiators. Plus, to make things even better,

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Magnetic Filter System

The most common cause of central heating breakdowns is ferrous metallic oxide. These are metal particles you find in hard water – the same as lime scale that builds up in your shower and kettle. Knowing how bad these build ups can be, only the best solutions must be found: and My London Tradesman has

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Cooker Service in TW3 Hounslow

When you have a gas cooker that has been used for a long period of time, it can start to become faulty and cause the user problems, which could eventually lead to major problems like gas leaks, gas explosions and the potentially fatal carbon monoxide. In order to avoid this, we advise that you get

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Magnetic central heating filter

Most of the problems your central heating faces are from metal particles that form sludge in your boiler and radiator. One of the best ways of dealing with these issues is by using a magnetic central heating filter. These are cheap to purchase and easy to install. Overall, the magnetic central heating filter can detect

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