Central Heating Filter in London

Central heating filters are the tools your system needs to stop it from breaking down. The biggest cause of damage in your central heating is debris and sludge build up in your radiator or boiler. We recommend having a power flush done to your system, but installing a central heating filter after a flush is carried out, will prevent future damages.

Thick sludge deposits are created by iron oxide being left by the water in your central heating appliances. It can also leave lime scale build up as hard water is the type running through your pipes. With an inexpensive central heating filter you can rest assured that your heating will not break down easily and the bills you pay won’t be too costly.

A central heating filter will filter all water running in your appliances and make sure nothing is deposited where it shouldn’t be. With one of these, you won’t need to call the water board or an engineer so often, as your central heating will be kept in excellent conditions.

My London Tradesman recommends that you have a central heating filter fitted with a routine boiler service check. You will only need to make one payment and the filter will offer the best service available. We would recommend you clean your filter once a year as build up will occur inside it.
With My London Tradesman, only the most experienced and reliable engineers will be offering their services to give you state of the art services. You can ask either for a central heating filter to be fitted or to have one installed following a power flush if you think you need both.

Just go to My London Tradesman and fill out the online application form if you think you need these services. We will get back to you with quotes from the best engineers in the area and leave you to decide the best deal for you.

MagnaClean Filter