Central Heating Magnetic Filter
We live in an age of high efficiency central heating. But in order to keep that efficiency so high, we must be aware of contamination. Contamination in your central heating is created by debris and iron oxide particles building up in your pipes, boiler and radiator. It is because of these build ups that we urge everyone to consider investing in central heating magnetic filters.
These devices are very simple and do exactly what they say on the tin. Central heating magnetic filters detect all kinds of debris in your central heating (not just magnetic but nonmagnetic metal as well). Ferrous particles are detected and attached to your central heating filter as your water runs through your system every minute of every day.
Iron oxide and other sludge are microscopic particles, but it has been reported that even a small amount of these particles can cause severe damage to efficient central heating systems. The magnetic filters are very easy to install and only need cleaning once a year. The best filter on offer at the moment, the magnaclean filter, takes an average of 2 minutes for an experienced engineer.
As well as keeping your central heating free of debris, a magnetic filter can keep your water neutralised, so no acids or alkaline can get into your water supply; leaving you and your property safe.
If you think your central heating needs to be looked at or you want to know more about heating maintenance, don’t hesitate to talk to us at My London Tradesman. Just fill out our online application and we will find the best people in the business to talk to you.