Electrical Safety Certificate

• When looking for a company to carry out an electrical safety certificate or electrical periodic inspection on your property, there are certain things you should be aware of. This blog has some of the main facts that you should look out for when deciding on a company.

• The electrical report is a requirement that needs to be complied with for any landlord, letting, Housing Association or council.

• The electrical report is accepted by banks, Insurance Companies, Councils and Health and Safety departments.

• It is the landlord’s job to make sure that all of the fittings in the property are in good working order and are safe to use.

• An electrical periodic inspection will need to be completed every 5 years for properties with tenants, every 5 years for businesses and every year for buildings that are open to the public.

• The Electricity Safety Act 1998 and Electrical Safety (Installations) Regulations 2009 state that a certificate of electrical safety to be issued for all electrical installation work.

• If you have any uncertainty whether an electrician is qualified, it should be no problem for a professional electrician to show you their qualifications.

• If you are not happy with work an electrician has completed in your home you should be aware that you have access to an independent complaints procedure. This will be offered to you if your electrician is registered. It is all part of the service you pay for.

Mylondontradesman.co.uk will be able to find you a professional electrician who will be able to complete an electrical safety certificate for you quickly and you will have the peace of mind that the job has been completed safely and has been tested and certified. Make sure you enter your job on mylondontradesman.co.uk and you will receive an efficient and professional service.

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Safety Certificate