Energy Performance Certificate NW6 Kilburn

If you are about to sell a property in the NW6 Kilburn area of London, you need to make sure you have an Energy Performance Certificate NW6 Kilburn for your building. The Energy Performance Certificate is a report regarding the energy efficiency level of your property and has been a legal requirement since the Housing Act 2004. If you think you can escape and save some money, there is a fine of up to £5000 (depending on the value of your NW6 Kilburn property) which can be issued by Trading Standards Officers when you put your property on the market without an Energy Performance Certificate. The bottom line is you are better off financially getting an EPC when you should do as you would have to pay both the fine and the cost of the assessment anyway.

You may be wondering what exactly an Energy Performance Certificate is. An Energy Performance Certificates’ most recognised feature is the horizontal bar chart. This chart has the overall score of your assessed property placed somewhere between grades A to G. The best score you can achieve on the energy assessment is an A grade and the worst performance possible will earn you a G. In order to make it a fair assessment of your NW6 Kilburn property, the score you have been given is standardised and compared to similar properties in your area. This will help you get an idea of how efficient your property is, how good it could be as well as letting you know how well you are doing against the competition!

There may be some slight confusion over which Energy Performance Certificate NW6 Kilburn is right for you. If your NW6 Kilburn property is used for residential purposes and is either lived in by yourself or rented out to others, then you must have a Domestic Energy Performance Certificate produced to sell or rent your house to new tenants or owners. If your property is used as a place of business and there are offices, shops, dental surgeries etc. occupying the building, then you must have a Commercial Energy Performance Certificate commissioned. The only real difference between the two types of certificates is the level of detailed required, with commercial properties needing closer inspection.

In order for you to have the right Energy Performance Certificate for your property in NW6 Kilburn, simply fill out our online form and My London Tradesmen will contact companies on your behalf. You will receive up to 3 quotes so that you can make an informed decision regarding who to employ for your Energy Performance Certificate NW6 Kilburn.

My London Tradesmen will only use those who have received up to date training and are registered with all of the necessary bodies. We only use reputable and trustworthy tradesmen.