Flush central heating system

Is your boiler making noises or is dirty water coming out of your radiator when you bleed it? Signs like this usually indicate that you need a flush central heating system. The problem is caused by iron oxide and rust building up in your boiler and radiator because of hard water running through your central heating system. Getting a power flush on your system is a very easy and simple task, and with My London Tradesman you can find just the right people to do it for you.

A flush central heating system is a very simple task and can take only a few hours to complete. Prices vary depending on how many radiators you have and the average price is usually anything from £300-800. As well as finding the best engineers in the business, one of the leading brands: Magnaclean, have just released the Magnacleanse set which you can use to flush your system in less than 2 hours.

In short, a flush central heating system consists of an engineer connecting your system to a power flushing tank and pumping your appliances thoroughly with chemicals. These chemicals corrode the sludge in your water and neutralise it once the job is completed. Following a power flush, we suggest you invest in a magnetic filter, which can detect all types of ferrous metals and act as a great insurance for the power flush.

If you think your central heating system needs assistance, or want to talk about power flush prices, look no further. Visit My London Tradesman’s website and fill out our application. We will find the best engineers for the job or experts who can help you with any queries. All you need to do is decide who is best to consult.


Power Flush