Flush heating system
Are your radiators going cold? Is your boiler making strange noises? Then maybe what you need to seek the process of flush heating system. This is a simple and affordable service from which every heating system can benefit. The problems with your heating system are caused by irritating sludge which builds up in your pipes and boiler because of hard water running through your system.
A flush heating system consists of an engineer connecting a flushing tank to your central heating system. The tank then pumps chemicals through your system at low pressure. At low pressure your system is not damaged. The chemicals then neutralise the water and corrode all the irritating metals that are building up in your heating system. Once the flush is over – which can take between 4 and 8 hours, your system is cleansed of sludge and iron oxide.
Power flushes can keep your system free of sludge and malfunctions for a year at most. If you own several properties and don’t think you have much time to spare for a power flush each year – My London Tradesman recommends you invest in a magnetic filter for your heating system. This will stop all types of sludge and metallic particles from entering your system. It is the number one insurance policy for a heating system flush.
Think your system needs seeing too or want more information about power flushes and magnetic filters – no problem. Just come and visit the My London Tradesman website and fill out our application. We will put you in touch with the best people in the business that can help you with any queries.