Flushing a central heating system
The biggest cause of damage and breakdowns on your central heating system is ferrous metal particles building up in the hard water that is constantly running through your appliances. As lime scale damages your shower and washing machine, iron oxide sludge builds up in your radiator and boiler. Typical symptoms of these build ups are boilers making strange noises or your radiators failing to warm up when you want them to which is why flushing a central heating system might be good for you.
The best solutions to these problems are power flushes. They’re a very simple service which takes only a few hours to do and can leave your heating system free of blockages.
Flushing a central heating system consists of an engineer pumping chemicals through your central heating system at a low pressure to corrode all particles that are building up. It is done at low pressure to make sure no damage is done. Once finished, your water is then neutralised with other chemicals to make your water and system safe again.
Flushing a central heating system has a guarantee of keeping your heating system safe for one year. This is why My London Tradesman suggests you invest in a magnetic filter as the best insurance policy for your system. Magnetic filters stop all magnetic and non magnetic particles building up and only take a few minutes to clean once a year.
Power flushes are ideal for servicing your central heating system because it will save you money on your energy bills. Because you aren’t using lots of energy you won’t be paying as much and you won’t be producing as much CO2 from your property either.
Want to know more about power flushes? or think you need to contact an engineer? Just come to our website. Fill in the My London Tradesman application form and we will put you in touch with the best people in the business.