Gas Cooker connection in E11 Leytonstone, East London

Calling all landlords and residents in the E11 Leytonstone, East London area! If you’ve just acquired a new property or you’ve recently upgraded your old cooker then you may well be in need of a gas cooker installation. A gas cooker connection requires the expertise of industry professionals as it can often be a tricky process when it comes to gas fuelled appliances. Factors that can hinder the gas cooker connection process include the engineer not ensuring that the area is properly ventilated and that the bayonet fixture hasn’t been secured to the gas supply correctly. An improper gas cooker connection can cause the appliance to break down or not function at all and lethally of all- an unsecured gas cooker connection can cause a gas leak within the home and release poisonous carbon monoxide gas. Interestingly, carbon monoxide is often dubbed as ‘the silent killer’ a very apt name as the gas is colourless, tasteless and invisible to the naked eye. Not only is the invisible nature of this gas threatening but its non-specific symptoms such as headaches and drowsiness can also be related to the flu making it difficult to diagnose.

These horrifying aspects of carbon monoxide can be prevented by taking the safest option for a gas cooker connection to be executed by a Gas Safe Registered engineer. Gas Safe is the UK regulatory body when it comes to individuals working with domestic and commercial gas related appliances.

So for those of you based in the E11 Leytonstone, East London area looking for Gas Safe qualified engineers to carry out a gas cooker connection feel free to email us or call us. And we can book an appointment for you as soon as the next 48 hours. Our team of engineers operate throughout the London areas so are able to reach the E11 Leytonstone, East London district with ease, ensuring that they are on time for the appointment.

Gas Cooker Installation