IG7 Chigwell | power flush

Do you live in the IG7 Chigwell area and are your central heating appliances making noises or failing to warm up when you want them to? Have you found dirty water in your radiators when bleeding them? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then My London Tradesman thinks you need a power flush.

A power flush removes all the dirt and sludge that builds up in your central heating system over time. If the central heating in your IG7 Chigwell home is several years old, then it is essential to get it seen to immediately, for breakdowns could be right round the corner.

What happens in a power flush is that your IG7 Chigwell property’s central heating will be rigged up to a power flush system by an experienced engineer. This system will pump chemicals through your central heating and will flush all the irritating sludge and metals out. A typical power flush can take around 4 to 8 hours and has a warranty of one year. Because of this short warranty – we at My London Tradesman advise you install a magnetic filter into your IG7 Chigwell property to keep yourself free of all ferrous metals and sludge all year round. Install the filter after you’ve had a power flush.

With a power flush or magnetic filter installation your IG7 Chigwell property won’t be having any central heating problems, nor will your energy bills rocket to catastrophic prices. We at My London Tradesman take pride in keeping your property warm and safe so we’re here to assist you in any problems you want solved.

Just go to our website, fill in our online application and we will get back to you with the best people for the job.

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