Chemical Flush Central Heating, London

If you are a home owner you will know that your central heating system is an expensive and necessary commodity of modern life. You don’t want to jeopardise the quality and efficiency of this system by not keeping it clean. The best way to ensure that your central heating system continues to work at its

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Boiler Service

Imagine for a moment if your heating system broke down unexpectedly. You would come home to a cold house, there would be no warm bath to help you unwind from a stressful day and no hot water to wash the dishes in. Furthermore, you would have the hassle of having to research which new boiler

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Power Flush London

If you live in London then I am sure you will be used to taking advantage of evening theatre performances, late night shopping and transport which runs throughout the night. However, most Londoners find it harder to fit in practical household jobs, as they are at work during the day and many tradesmen do not

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Flushing Central Heating in London

Almost everybody at some point has had to descale their kettle. If you have ever done this you will know how much limescale accumulates over time, making your kettle less effective. Philips suggests descaling your kettle once every month if you use hard water. Many people do this but have never cleaned out their radiator

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Heating Engineers

Have you ever been put off booking a heating engineer because you do not have the time to sit in all day waiting for them to turn up? If you have ever been frustrated by a tradesman not calling you back, or perhaps been annoyed that they didn’t turn up at all, then we have

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Central Heating Sludge, London

Many people have never heard of central heating sludge; however, it is a big problem in over 50% of the homes in the UK. The sludge is composed of dirt, water, limescale and iron oxide (rust) and has a thick viscous consistency, a bit like that of treacle. If left unchecked sludge can become a

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Central Heating Plumbing

We all enjoy coming home from work to a warm and cosy home, and take for granted having hot water for a relaxing bath. However, unless you take care of your central heating plumbing these things that we all take for granted might stop working as efficiently. Over time sludge, limescale and other sediment can

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Flush Radiators

Are you tired of waiting ages for your radiators to heat up, or do you often have a poor supply of hot water? Is the water from your radiators a dirty yellow/ brown colour when bled? Are you scared by the strange banging and clanking sounds which appear to come from your boiler? Have you

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Noisy Boiler

Are you concerned by the loud banging noises that seem to be coming from your boiler? A noisy boiler can be scary, especially if you are alone in your house in the evening. Furthermore, they are a nuisance and very distracting if you are trying to get a job done. Many people believe that the

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How to do a Radiator Flush

At Gas Boilers Services we are constantly asked by people how to do a radiator flush. This article will aim to clearly explain the process and outline some of the benefits that come with a power flush. Firstly, it is important to know that a radiator flush is best carried out by a fully qualified

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