PAT Test W2 Paddington

Property owners in W2 Paddington: if you have never had PAT testing on your portable electrical appliances, you are running the risk of violating a string of Health and Safety laws and ending up in court if an injury or death occurs as a result. If you are a landlord or employer, you are duty and honour bound to ensure that every electrical appliance you supply for use in your property is safe for use. The most effective way to do this is to have PAT testing services carried out regularly.

PAT Tests are a quick and painless process which requires a Portable Appliance Tester to come in to your property and asses a few different elements of each appliance being checked. This includes inspections of the external and internal components of the appliances, as well as assessing the environment they are kept in and how hazardous it can be to operate them there. If your appliances fail their electrical PAT testing they must be decommissioned and replaced immediately. Only appliances that weigh less than 18 kg are eligible to be PAT Tested. This includes common office and home appliances such as electric kettles, microwaves, TV’s, monitors, PC’s etc.

If you want to make sure you are not exposing employees and tenants to dangerous faulty and malfunctioning equipment then PAT Testing your W2 Paddington property is the best way to achieve this. Fill out our online form and My London Tradesman will contact companies on your behalf. You will then be sent up to 3 quotes which will enable you to reach an informed decision regarding which tradesman you want to employ.

All of the tradesmen we recommend have received up to date training and are registered with all the necessary bodies. We only recommend trust worthy and reputable tradesmen.

PAT Test