Power Flush London
If you live in London then I am sure you will be used to taking advantage of evening theatre performances, late night shopping and transport which runs throughout the night. However, most Londoners find it harder to fit in practical household jobs, as they are at work during the day and many tradesmen do not work weekends. Booking a London power flush or getting a gas safety certificate can often be a challenge. Luckily, Gas Boilers Servicing is able to perform jobs in the evenings, weekends and even on bank holidays! This means that you can get your gas heating problems professionally fixed, saving you the inconvenience of having to attempt any DIY, which can be dangerous business if gas is involved.
If you are a landlord in London and your tenants have complained that their heating system is working poorly, or that the boiler is making loud thumping noises, then we have the answer for you. By giving the system a power flush all of the dirt and grime (usually referred to as ‘sludge’) that has built up can be removed. This will restore the system to working at full capacity once more and save you from having to perform expensive repairs. You may expect a London power flush to be expensive, however Gas Boilers Servicing offers extremely competitive prices. We can also fit your systems with a magnetic filter, such as the MagnaClean, after having a London power flush. This product was recently highly recommended on the UK’s Plumbers Forum.
Sandy from Leeds recently posted on Money Supermarket about her “boiler breakdown over Christmas” when it was “-5 outside”. Sandy had to “wait 2 days for the parts to arrive.” To prevent ending up like like Sandy it is essential that you have your boiler regularly serviced. In order to book a power flush in London today then please call Gas Boilers Servicing on…..and one of our team will be happy to arrange an appointment for you.