Gas Hob Servicing in E9 Homerton, East London

If you are a landlord with a property in the E9 Homerton, East London district and you are looking for a thorough and efficient gas hob servicing job then you’ve reached the right place! Fitting a Cooker have over 25 years experience when it comes to domestic engineering, gas hob and oven installations as well as gas

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Keeping Gas Safe in a Dangerous World

“Life is like a box of chocolates you never know which one you’re gonna get.” Forrest Gump’s immortal line from the classic 1994 film succinctly expresses the unpredictable nature of life. From the unexpected joys of life to the sudden tragedies there are just some things in life that you can’t prepare for. But when

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Tips to make your Life as a Landlord Easier

Get your gas appliances serviced regularly As a landlord you must be conscious of the fact that when it comes to the maintenance of your property’s gas appliances your tenants’ safety is your responsibility. If you do not have your appliances serviced annually then you could be leaving your tenants at risk of gas leaks

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How Gas Cooker Servicing Can Save YOU Money

In recent times it can seem like the world has conspired to make your financial life increasingly difficult with the global recession of 2008 followed by the current double dip recession and the recent news from British Gas who have added a 6% increase to their gas and electricity charges, which equates to an annual

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Gas Cooker Servicing

Are you a homeowner or landlord? If so, do you regularly organise a gas cooker servicing? It may seem like a mundane task that is not always prioritised against everyday concerns such as making sure the bills are paid on time, and budgeting for supplies. However making sure that you gas cooker is serviced annually

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Landlords Gas Safety Check

Are you a landlord? If so when was the last time you had a landlords gas safety check? If you have not had a gas safety check in the last year then you are most definitely due one! You might be thinking that this is an arbitrary procedure but it is actually illegal if a

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