Portable Appliance Tests Explained

Portable Appliance Tests Explained Portable Appliance Tests (PAT Tests) are a well-established part of the Health and Safety landscape and language. While they are not a legal obligation in their own right, Portable Appliance Tests are recognised industry wide as the best way to ensure electrical appliances are safe for use. They also ensure that

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London PAT Testing: Facts and FAQs

London PAT Testing is one of the most important, and frequently misunderstood, aspects of Health and Safety for Landlords and Businesses in our capital. There have been several widely spread, and widely held, beliefs that have sprung up due to simple misinformation. This has led to the heavily recommended PAT Test morphing into a legal

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The PAT Tester

What is the PAT Tester ? The PAT Tester could refer either to  a fully qualified engineer who is responsible for carrying out Portable Appliance Testing in residential and commercial properties and for musicians and performers who use electrical equipment as part of their act; or it could refer to the actual PAT Testing Machine which

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PAT Test E16 Victoria Docks

In the last couple of decades, residential property development in E16 Victoria Docks has led to the area becoming one of the most sought after postcodes in London. There have been massive construction programmes to create stylish new Flats and Apartments with stunning views of the Thames, the O2 Arena and the Docks themselves. With

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PAT Test E13 Plaistow

E13 Plaistow properties could be at risk of electrical fire and damage by containing un-PAT Tested electrical appliances. Portable Appliance Tests are, quite simply, the best way to make sure your portable electrical appliances have not developed a fault that could cause electrocution or random fires to occur. These are very real threats to everyone,

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PAT Test E11 Leytonstone

If you are a landlord or business owner and your property is located in E11 Leytonstone, you should seriously consider having a Portable Appliance Test (PAT Test) conducted in your building. You might also consider having a PAT Test if you reside in E11 Leytonstone yourself; after all, the electrical safety of your appliances is

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Portable Appliance Testing E9 Homerton

Even with the technological advances of the age, people are still left virtually powerless when it comes to keeping electrical appliances in a safe condition. Due to age and general wear and tear, appliances do not always stay as safe as they were when they left their respective factories. Ending up in your E9 Homerton

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PAT Test E7 Forest Gate

PAT Tests are a highly useful way of making sure all of your electrical appliances in E7 Forest Gate are safe for use. Electrical appliances develop faults over time and their safety features can diminish as a result. If you are a home owner, landlord, employer, or even a musician in E7 Forest Gate, having

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PAT Test WC2 Strand

If you are a Landlord or business owner in WC2 Strand, you could be accidentally violating Health and Safety legislation by not having your electrical appliances tested regularly. Fortunately, organising a simple, yet comprehensive, PAT Test of your WC2 Strand property can save you from legal difficulties should an incident occur. PAT Tests are not

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PAT Test EC4 Fleet Street

PAT Tests are a common part of the Health and Safety language. They have been specifically designed to counter the problems being caused by faulty, malfunctioning, and dangerous electrical appliances. If you have not had a PAT Test in your EC4 Fleet Street property, you could be violating a number of laws while putting the

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