What are Boiler Services?

You may ask ‘What are Boiler Services?’.Boiler services consist of a comprehensive inspection and clean up of your boilers most vital components. Common boiler faults can be time-consuming and expensive issues to resolve, and quite frankly are best avoided. Boiler services are typically performed on an annual basis although you should look to pursue one

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Why a Boiler Service is Essential

Some people may questions why a boiler services is essential. Although not legally forced upon the home owner, it is highly recommended that you look to book an annual boiler service. If your boiler has been showing signs of wear and tear recently, such as not burning properly or has been making uncharacteristically loud noises,

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Boiler Services in London

If you are unfamiliar with annual boiler services and have not considered pursuing one, then you are seriously endangering the health of both you and your family. Carbon monoxide poisoning, as a result of boiler gas leaks, is known to kill hundreds of people each year. With symptoms comparable to that of a cold, many

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Booking a Boiler Service

Has your boiler been making loud noises as of late? Has your boiler flame been burning a yellowish colour rather than blue? If either of these apply to you then a boiler service is highly advisable. The service consists of a meticulous and comprehensive inspection of all your boilers components, most notably the ignition and

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Gas Boiler Service

A gas boiler service is a procedure that is highly recommended to all homeowners, landlords and other relevant professionals looking to extend the lifespan of a property’s central heating system. Faulty boilers can be extremely difficult to manage and can cost you big time in repair costs. A gas boiler service looks to identify and diffuse

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