W8 Kensington Floor Plan

If you are in the process of selling or letting a property in the W8 Kensington area, then you could vastly improve your chances of getting genuine tenant and purchaser viewings by simply obtaining a W8 Kensington Floor plan. Interest in properties with Floor Plans is generally much higher than those without them as they

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The Facts about the Portable Appliance Test

Portable Appliance Tests have become a standard feature of a vast majority of Health and Safety Legislation. This is due to the fact that PAT Tests were designed specifically to cover all of the requirements which have been passed into law. As a result, there are a couple of prominent misconceptions about the PAT Test

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PAT test: Visual testing

PAT test: Visual testing lays across many health and safety regulations. Health and Safety regulations in the United Kingdom require every landlord and employer to ensure that those who occupy their property are safe from electrical appliance related injuries. The most effective method of ensuring this is to have a PAT test carried out by

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Commercial EPC: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you find commercial EPC’s confusing? Here we have a bit of information and a few tip to help you by showing our ‘Commercial EPC: Frequently Asked Questions’. Getting an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a necessary step to take when you place your property on the market. If you haven’t heard of EPCs before

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What does a property inventory involve?

You may ask ‘What does a property inventory involve?’. A property inventory is a catalogue of the property and its contents. This could be Items such as doors, carpets, curtains, cupboards and radiators, which will all be taken into account. Usually it only consists of the main rooms, however, if needed a company can always

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Portable Appliance Testing PAT

Portable Appliance Testing PAT, though not a legal requirement, has been labelled by the Government as the best way to ensure that any workplace, commercial or private property, complies with the relevant guidelines for an electrically safe environment. By undergoing Portable Appliance Testing, you are ensuring that you have taken necessary steps to avoid potential

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Boiler service to be performed annually

An annual boiler service is an absolute necessity for all home owners, particularly around the winter period. The boiler is used on a daily basis and consumes a vast amount of energy. Depending on its usage, the efficiency of your boiler will eventually begin to diminish. Loud noises from your boiler fan, a drop in

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