Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances

If you currently reside in a rented property, how sure are you that the electrical appliances which have been provided for you meet current safety standards? Is there any evidence of Portable Testing of Electrical Appliances? Can you see a PAT Test sticker on the side of the appliance? If you are unsure what portable

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PAT Testing E1 Whitechapel

E1 Whitechapel is best known for being the location for the Jack the Ripper murders in the 19th Century. While these horrific incidents took place a long time ago, residents of the area do not realise that they could still be at risk of injury and death, albeit of an entirely different nature. Fortunately, unlike

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PAT Test SW13 Barnes

Residents and musicians of SW13 Barnes have every reason to be proud of their area of London. Not only does the area feature some of the oldest riverside housing in London; feature stunning natural landscape such as the Barnes Common and London Wetland Centre; has been home to residents contributing to all areas of British,

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PAT Testing: Household Benefits

While there is no legal obligation to have PAT Testing in your place of residence, it is strongly advised that you make sure that the portable electrical appliances in your home are safe for use. There are very real dangers which come with using portable appliances and they can strike anyone at any time. PAT

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PAT Testing SW12 Balham

Musicians and DJs of SW12 Balham, do not lose any gigs from having unsafe, untested, electrical equipment as part of your act or performance. Venues all across London and the UK have been cracking down on any and all un-PAT tested musicians and DJs, refusing entry and bookings to anyone who has not got proof

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PAT Testing SW9 Stockwell

If you own a business or you are a landlord for a rental property in SW9 Stockwell, you may be putting people’s lives at risk by not having Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing) carried out regularly. While not a legal requirement, PAT Testing has gained industry wide, and unofficial government approval, acceptance as the most

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Musician PAT Testing SW5 Earls Court

If you are a musician and either live or ply your trade in the SW5 Earls Court area of London, you may not be aware that you need to have PAT Testing carried out on your portable electrical equipment. SW5 Earls Court has long been associated with great venues such as the Earls Court Exhibition

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PAT Test WC1 Bloomsbury

WC1 Bloomsbury is undeniably an important centre for health care and education in London. With buildings from the University of London, the British Medical Association, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the British Museum, it would be a tragedy of epic proportions should a fire arise from dangerous an un-tested electrical appliances over-heating. If you live

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Portable Appliance Test SW3 Chelsea

There is no question that SW3 Chelsea is a wealthy and desirable area of London to own a house or business in. Property or business owners in the area can make a great deal of money from commerce or rent, yet they may be running the risk of losing it all. Electrical safety regulations require

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PAT Testing EC3 Fenchurch Street

Having Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing) carried out regularly in your EC3 Fenchurch Street home, rental property or workplace is one of the best ways to protect both you and others from electrical damage. There is a great deal of over-confidence when it comes to electrical appliances and their safety, yet the simple fact is

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