An Appliance Test for a Commercial Property

If you are a commercial property owner, chances are you have a great deal of electrical appliances in operation in your workplace. What you may or may not realise is that you are legally required to ensure that each and every one of the electrical appliances in your commercial property must have An Appliance Test

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Portable Appliance Test SW3 Chelsea

There is no question that SW3 Chelsea is a wealthy and desirable area of London to own a house or business in. Property or business owners in the area can make a great deal of money from commerce or rent, yet they may be running the risk of losing it all. Electrical safety regulations require

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Portable Appliance Test EC1 Clerkenwell

If you are a landlord or business owner in the historic EC1 Clerkenwell area of London, you should seriously consider having Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing) performed regularly as part of a comprehensive and secure Health and Safety plan. If you don’t have regular Portable Appliance Testing then you are putting your tenants and employees

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The Facts about the Portable Appliance Test

Portable Appliance Tests have become a standard feature of a vast majority of Health and Safety Legislation. This is due to the fact that PAT Tests were designed specifically to cover all of the requirements which have been passed into law. As a result, there are a couple of prominent misconceptions about the PAT Test

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PAT Test W5 Ealing

If you are a business or property owner in W5 Ealing, make sure your Health and Safety plans are as comprehensive as can be by having PAT tests carried out regularly. The most simple and effective way to ensure that you are up to date with legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work

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PAT Test W4 Chiswick

If you own a property or business in W4 Chiswick, have you considered the need to have a Portable Appliance Test (PAT test) carried out on your electrical appliances recently? If not, then you might be taking serious risks with your employee’s wellbeing. You would be failing to comply with health and safety standards while

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PAT Test NW1 Camden

As part of your health and safety plans in your NW1 Camden property, you should strongly consider having a PAT test of your electric portable appliances. If you have not had a PAT test, you could be putting your employees or tenants’ personal safety at risk. You could also be running the risk of legal

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PAT Testing FAQs from Musicians and DJs

  I am a semi-professional musician; do I really need a Portable Appliance Test? Regardless of whether you are a full time professional musician, someone who performs the odd paid gig once in a while and are therefore semi-pro, or have just started out in the music industry, you are required to make sure your

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